1. initialize a store(global state)
  2. setup reducers: reducer(state = initState, action) => { return new state}
  3. dispatch: call store
const reducer = (state = [], action) {
        case 'ADD':
            retrun [ [...state], action.payload]

previous state + action => return new state
state: 資料
action: 定義執行的動作與新的資料
reducer: 透過 action.type 決定要做什麼事, action.payload 帶入新資料

let store = createStore(reducer)

a sotore hold the state

const action = {
  type: 'ADD',
  payload: {
      id: 'user56',
      name: '王仁甫'


binding subscribe store to component

force component re-render when props value changed

react-redux connect


[SQL] Want to declare a string array variable? Declare a table variable instead.

[SQL] Want to declare a string array variable? Declare a table variable instead.

詳解簡易 Timer 來學習 D3

詳解簡易 Timer 來學習 D3

How to solve the perpetual loading issue in Evernote? Evernote 一直轉圈圈的解決辦法

How to solve the perpetual loading issue in Evernote? Evernote 一直轉圈圈的解決辦法
